Monday, August 22, 2005

MAKS 2005, your impressions

Dear colleagues, authors, photo and video cameramen!

Your impression of MAKS '2005 we always welcome to get and save here, with all your needed contacts info and copyrights notices (your rights will be respected and reserved as usual).

Share the bright moments of the show, best and rare shots, which could been taken from unusual points of view, to airmen friends and aviation enthusiasts!

Our server's personal partitions with capabilities of uploading files by ftp, is waiting for you to share that stuff.

Please contact me at

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

MAKS 2005, a second Day

Guards colonel Gennady Avramenko, from Kubinka afb, after landing:
"Today our flight have been in group of 5 MiGs, everything was OK."

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

MAKS 2005, 1st Day

August 16, Zhukovsky
United diamond of 4 MiG-29 "Strizhi" and 5 Su-27 "Russkiye Vityazi", 1st flight.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Upcoming MAKS 2005

As you could see below, from August 16 till 21 at Zhukovsky 'Strizhi' will fly over MAKS airfield together with our aerobatic colleagues 'Russkiye Vityazi', almost everyday.
Unfortunately, two our russian Air Force aerobatic teams will not take off and land to MAKS runway, as were published earlier by some sources, so we're still go working on the show from the Kubinka airbase.

For detailed info, visit MAKS official website, in English and Russian

Meanwhile, you could look at our photo collection gathered for many years.

A short description:
"1st_time_in_the_west" – Kubinka's pilots and their MiG-29, first time in the West, in Finland at Rissala ab.
"new_paint" – Strizhi's MiG-29 in a brand new red-blue-white paint, brought to us by RSK MIG corporation in 2003.
"old_guys" – Strizhi's MiG-29 until 2003 year, in their first white-blue paint.
"strizhi_rv" – Strizhi's MiG-29 and Knights' Su-27 in the united aerobatic team, the photos of last and this century.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Short schedule, for August – September 2005

August 16-21, MAKS 2005 at Zhukovsky – 6 MiG-29 "Strizhi", 5 Su-27 "Russkiye Vityazi".

End of August, demo flights dedicated to Millennium of Kazan (Tatarstan, Russian Federation) – united "Strizhi" + "Russkiye Vityazi" aerobatic team.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 colonel Gennady Avramenko, from Brno (Czech Republic) says about Strizhi's visit:
"September 10-11: CIAF 2005 at Brno, Czech Republic, 5 MiG-29 "Strizhi".

End of September: China visit, 5 Su-27 "Russkiye Vityazi".